Contact Us

Please use the form on the right or visit our contact us page for additional details including phone numbers, email address and physical location. Thank you for your interest and we will respond promptly to your request. 

1125 Cripple Creek Drive
Lawrenceville, GA, 30043
United States


Nisewonger Audio Visual Center is a family owned company dedicated to providing educators with the latest in audio visual equipment for use in classrooms across Georgia. We offer over 45 years of experience in sales, service, and installation.

Brookhaven Innovation Academy

Education Furniture Solutions

We offer many different furniture options for your school! We would love to work with you in designing the perfect custom design for you! Give us a call at 770-338-0335.

Brookhaven Innovation Academy

Ashley Yates

BIA is a Public Charter School

BIA is authorized by the State Charter Schools Commission​​​​​​​ of Georgia.  The school opened in August 2016 serving grades K-6 and is now authorized as a K-8 school.

The mission of BIA is to provide students with an education that maximizes the realization of their individual talents and prepares them for success in a technology and information driven 21st Century Economy.

The design team at Nisewonger AV worked with Paragon Furniture to create a innovative space with mobile furniture and fixed wall bookcases. Paragon is a fantastic furniture manufacturer in the K-12 market.

We offer many different furniture options for your school!  We would love to work with you in designing the perfect custom design for you!  Give us a call at 770-338-0335.